Course Description

Reducing the inflow into the homelessness response system is essential for communities committed to preventing and reducing chronic homelessness. This training will differentiate prevention and diversion as well as identify the workflows and processes that have positively impacted housing-focused problem-solving. Much has been learned about homelessness prevention – what works, what doesn’t work and the impact of evidence-informed practices and engagement.

 Speaker: Tracy Flaherty-Willmott

Tracy is the Associate Director of the small -but mighty- OrgCode team that works in communities across Canada, the United States and Australia. For more than a decade Tracy has been helping various orders of government, communities and non-profits of all sizes improve service delivery to meet the needs of people experiencing homelessness. Prior to joining OrgCode, Tracy was the architect of the plan to end homelessness in a mid-sized city in Western Canada – a community that has now effectively ended chronic homelessness. As a military spouse who has lived in too many communities over the past 25 years, Tracy is committed to enhancing collective impact and community development to enhance efforts to prevent and end homelessness across North America.

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