Course Description

Adverse life experiences (trauma) have an impact on individuals and entire family systems. When coaches and care coordinators understand ways trauma can impact individuals and the systems they operate in, they are empowered to tailor their leadership and programs to accurately and ethically meet their needs.

In the session, we'll define trauma and the types of trauma individuals experience. By the time the training is done,  attendees will understand the impact of trauma on the human nervous system. They will know the multiple ways humans respond to the threat of their sense of safety at all ages, and gain tools for implementing ethical and effective responsive services.

Janice Holland

Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor, Janice Holland, PLLC

Janice Holland is a leading force in mental health as a Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor in Texas and a certified Trauma Model Therapist through The Ross Institute. Formerly based in Dallas, she owned a thriving private practice specializing in the emotional impact and treatment of trauma before embarking on a journey as a counselor in Shanghai, China. While Janice found fulfillment in aiding those with extreme childhood trauma on their path to healing, her true passion lies in empowering fellow therapists, counselors, coaches, and healers. With a profound understanding of how adverse life experiences affect us, Janice dedicates herself to training professionals internationally. Join her in the mission to create a trauma-informed world—one where healing and freedom become accessible to all.

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