Course Description

Join Executive Coach Nicole Provonchee for a fun, interactive Lunch and Learn on August 12th to learn core coaching skills that you can use to move yourself forward professional and personally. Nicole will share a four-step process that will help you focus on the key issue before you, brainstorm meaningful solutions and craft actionable next steps. By the end of the hour, you will have learned new skills you can use to get past current obstacles or seize new opportunities. (Even more exciting - you can use these same skills to coach direct reports, peers, friends and family!)


Nicole Provonchee is an experienced executive coach and strategist working with successful women leaders to help them seize opportunities, overcome obstacles and achieve impactful, impressive results.

After spending 20 years collecting fancy titles in strategy, consulting, and marketing roles, Nicole left the corporate world and started Bright Blue Consulting. Bright Blue offers executive coaching, team coaching, and strategic planning services to companies ranging from start-ups to Fortune 50 corporations.

As a female executive, Nicole can relate to the unique situations women face as professionals and leaders. As a working mother, she understands the challenge of finding just the right balance of work, family, friends and the rest of life.

Nicole is a sought after speaker, working with professional and women-focused groups across the nation. She is known for her engaging combination of stories, research, humor and pragmatism that ensures attendees leave with tactics they can put into action immediately.

Nicole lives in Nashville, Tennessee with her architect husband and two young sons. She is an active volunteer with a number of non-profit groups focused supporting women and children.

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This course will be presented in

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