Leading with Emotional Intelligence 2: Perception and Composure
Course4.8 average rating (6 reviews)Join Elandriel Lewis as she presents part 2 in a series on strengthening emotional intelligence skills to optimize outcomes within ourselves and our organizations.
Conscious Discipline Action Team Trainings
BundleThis bundle contains all courses for Conscious Discipline Action Team Cohorts.
Building the School Family 2.2: Wish Well and Welcome Back Rituals
CourseConscious Discipline Action Team Training Series, Step 2, Session 2 - Wish Well and Welcome Back Rituals
Feeding Minds and Bodies: How Food Insecurity Impacts Your Students and How to Help
CourseJoin Corrine Elise of Feeding Nashville and Caroline Pullen of Second Harvest Food Bank to learn how food insecurity impacts your students and how you can help.
Building the School Family 2.1: The Brain Smart Start
CourseConscious Discipline Action Team Training Series, Step 2, Session 1 - The Brain Smart Start
Math Tells a Story
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Join Susan Frizsell of Bringing Books to Life! to learn how to support math concepts through books.